Launch checklist

Written by Michael Thomas (Social Hackers Academy, Greece)

Starting a code school for refugees is a difficult and complex job, but one of the things that I found most helpful when I launched a school in Greece was reminding myself of the essentials. In order to reduce my stress and ensure I was focused on the right activities before launching, I met with a couple code schools to ask them what I needed to do before launching. Below I’ve included an updated version of that (based on more input from other code school founders).

The pre-launch essentials

  • Instructors with 3-5 years of curriculum-relevant programming experience
  • Highly motivated students with English or local language skills and basic math and science education
  • Computers for students to complete assignments
  • A space where instructors can host lectures regularly (e.g. every Sunday).
  • A curriculum that instructors can use to teach students
  • A month by month budget and cash flow forecast to understand when money comes in and out of the school.
  • Funding to cover your expenses for at least the first semester (lunch, transportation costs, etc.)

Things to consider early-on

  • How will you continue to fund your school’s operations?
  • Who will you raise money from?
  • What is your sustainable business model?
  • Where will your students work after they graduate?
  • What industry relationships do you have
  • How will students get introduced to hiring managers?
  • How will you motivate students to come each day and stick with the course?

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